Pinderfields Hospital

Pupil Referral Unit

Facebook Settings

Click here to see the latest settings advice from Facebook



released Jan 23 

Click HERE to access a useful article on the new parental supervision tools available for Instagram

Step by Step Guides for Privacy on Social Media

Click on the image below to access the Internet Matters useful guides for parents around social media accounts that children may be using.

Jan 23

For the latest advice and guidance for parents on TikTok, recently renamed , click on the image below.

Social Media

There is growing concern about the impact of social media on young people, from parents and teachers, and from young people themselves. But it can be hard to understand how social media could affect someone, as young people can have very different experiences. Two young people using the same App can see very different content, and it can be hard to know why.


Please read the attached blog which has both easy to understand explanations and helpful tips and resources.  There are two sections, one for professionals, parents and carers and the other for young people.


Jan 23